Progent's Mac and MS Windows support experts can assist you to combine macOS and Mac OS X with Windows powered systems into seamless networks with shared data and resources and collaboration support. Allowing productive integration from out of a mix of computers powered by macOS and OS X and Windows requires extensive understanding of and real-world experience with macOS, OS X and MS Windows systems. Progent's familiarity with macOS, OS X and Windows integration enables Progent's engineers to offer high-level assistance to companies that rely on these platforms to sustain their competitive edge. Progent's consultants can also help your business with iPhone integration to allow you to interface Apple's wireless handhelds with your Windows network.
Apple macOS, Mac OS X and Windows co-existence and support services available from Progent include:
- Network Configuration and Troubleshooting
Progent's expert Mac specialists can help your company to integrate Mac systems based on Apple's macOS or OS X platform into your Windows network. Progent's premier Windows consultants and Cisco engineering experts can help your business to configure a secure network and communications foundation that allows Mac and Microsoft Windows clients to access shared data and resources. Progent's Active Directory consulting service can assist you to configure the Active Directory schema and use the Workgroup Manager application in Mac Server to manage macOS and OS X clients on Windows networks that rely exclusively on Active Directory.
- Online Technical Consulting and Troubleshooting
Progent's remote network support and repair services give your business the best leverage for your IT service investment. Advanced online connection utilities and seasoned service engineers allow Progent to resolve most network issues without the cost and time required to travel to your site. Progent is a pioneer in providing online IT support and has developed a comprehensive virtual network of support personnel who can provide rapid and affordable solution.
- On-site Technical Support
Progent can provide on-premises technical help for registered clients in throughout the and in major cities throughout the United States. Although Progent is among the top sources of economical remote computer help and has developed innovative ways to resolve the majority of network problems remotely, Progent also recognize that some situations do call for an experienced network professional to be available at your office. After you sign up as a Progent client, Progent can dispatch on-site support personnel to any major city in any state in the U.S. and the wait time is typically less than 24 hours.
- Contact Center Services
Progent's Help Desk Call Center Outsourcing Services are designed especially for small companies who want fast access to a Help Desk Call Center with efficient phone support and full escalation capability but who have to operate within a limited IT budget. Progent can provide you fast contact with a Help Desk expert in Apple technology or a Microsoft-certified engineer to solve computer and network problems effectively and affordably. Secure remote access enables Progent's support engineers to view just what your customers are seeing and permits rapid repairs to issues that might otherwise require a more costly in-person service call.
If you are looking for a macOS, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows network support professional, call Progent at 800-993-9400 or visit Contact Progent.
Progent's Consulting Services for UNIX-based Platforms
Progent's UNIX-family support experts provide small companies and software developers assistance with managing and servicing UNIX/Linux/Mac-based networks that may coexist with Microsoft-based environments. Progent provides your business the services of UNIX technical professionals, authorized Microsoft consultants, Cisco CCIEs, and security specialists accredited by CISSP and CISM. This wide range of expertise offers you a convenient one-stop resource to assist your business to build and maintain a secure and resilient multi-vendor network and communications solution that blends Microsoft Windows with popular variants of UNIX including:
macOS and OS X ,
HP-UX (Hewlett Packard UNIX),
Silicon Graphics IRIX or important Linux distributions including
RedHat Linux,
Debian GNU/Linux and
Ubuntu Linux,
fedora Linux, and