Fault Tolerant Network ConsultingFor businesses of any size, prolonged inability to operate is costly and potentially fatal. Disaster recovery/business continuity (DR/BC) planning is a practice area that combines business logistics and information technology to help organizations prepare for events that could threaten their ability to function. Business disruption can have a wide variety of causes including natural or man-made disasters, pandemics, malicious IT attacks, hardware failure, software bugs, planned maintenance, or human error. High-level business continuity planning encompasses business logistics that go well beyond information technology and addresses issues such as emergency notification systems, alternate office space and transportation, and regulatory reporting. Disaster recovery typically focuses on IT issues such as trying to eliminate single-point network failures, providing a temporary "subsistence-level" computing environment, and expediting the recovery process.

Virtually all large enterprises have regularly updated strategies and technologies in place designed to allow them to function at some level in case of a catastrophe. For smaller businesses, however, serious DR/BC planning has historically been too expensive to implement and too complex to manage. But things have changed. A convergence of new technologies such as Windows Server 2016 Storage Replica and services such as cloud backup/recovery has made DR/BC solutions affordable and effective. Progent can show you how it's done.

Progent's DR/BC consultants, Microsoft-certified IT experts, Cisco certified CCIE network engineers, and cloud integration specialists have in-depth experience helping companies of all sizes to reduce network downtime by offering affordable online consulting support for business continuity planning, high-availability network infrastructure design, backup/restore systems, and non-disruptive maintenance. Progent's business continuity consultants can help you develop, implement, and validate a sensible business continuity plan that aligns with your business needs and IT budget. Progent's disaster recovery specialists can assist you to plan, deploy, and support fault-tolerant technologies such as redundant Internet connectivity, virtualization, fail-over clustering, network load balancing, continual online backup, and multi-location data centers. Progent's system management engineers can help you minimize or eliminate network downtime associated with routine maintenance.

Progent's Business Continuity Planning Services
In the post 911 world, regulators, auditors, customers and prospects of larger enterprises are demanding to see a tested business continuity plan. CIOs who are unable to produce one can hurt their company's ability to compete. Progent offers high-level online consulting for business continuity planning, testing, and training to help you prepare for potential disasters, minimize downtime for your most critical IT operations, avoid data loss, and comply with examiners' letters and agency requirements. Progent's business continuity experts can work closely with your management and IT support staff to:

  • Perform risk and business impact analysis and identify dependencies
  • Identify human and physical resources of all types necessary to keep your business in operation
  • Determine and prioritize business-critical IT functions and specify acceptable restoration times
  • Qualify colocation centers and hot backup sites
  • Verify secure remote access capability for key workers
  • Plan emergency notification systems and define responsibility assignments for personnel
  • Document a recovery and test plan that includes the proper sequence of restoration activities
  • Train management, technical staff, and other key people to carry out the DR/BC plan
Disaster Recovery Products Supported by Progent
An option for seamless, low-cost disaster recovery within a metropolitan area is to use Microsoft's Storage Replica, introduced with Windows Server 2016 Data Center Edition, to support a zero-data-loss Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that previously required a high-end SAN-based solution like the NetApp and VMware MetroCluster platform. Alternatively, with Windows Server 2012 R2 and System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) you can replicate your entire IT server infrastructure at a branch office or an out-of-state data center while limiting data loss to at most the last 15 minutes of IT transactions. Add a well designed VoIP telecommunications infrastructure to keep the phones humming and you are on your way to a DR/BC solution that even small businesses can afford.

To help you create your DR/BC solution, Progent offers consulting and support for a broad range of technologies from leading vendors. Product-specific services provided by Progent to help you implement your disaster recovery solution include:

Disaster Recovery and High Availability Solutions Offered by Progent
Progent can help businesses of any size create a fault-tolerant network environment with fast recovery capability by providing expertise in these critical practice areas:

Workplace Recovery Planning
Progent's business continuity engineers can show you how to create a workplace recovery strategy so you can restore IT functionality in the event of an IT system disaster. Progent can assist you to define a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy that incorporates scheduled disaster recovery evaluations and testing. Progent's Microsoft and Cisco-certified professionals can also help you create an affordable, zero-downtime network solution that takes into account availability issues involving a broad array of infrastructure technologies and processes. To read more, see Disaster Recovery Consulting Services.

CRISC-certified Consulting Support for IT Risk Mitigation
The Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) credential program was started by ISACA in 2010 to certify an IT consultant's ability to plan, deploy, and maintain IS controls to reduce network risk. Progent can provide the expertise of a CRISC-certified consultant to help you develop and carry out a business continuity plan that adheres to leading practices promoted by CRISC/ISACA and tailored to align with your company's risk tolerance, business objectives, and budgetary guidelines.

Microsoft Server 2019 Fault-tolerant Failover Clustering
Windows Server 2019 features important enhancements in scale, throughput, manageability, cybersecurity, app compatibility, Linux co-existence, Kubernetes networking, and hybrid combinations of on-premises and cloud assets. Top new features of Windows Server 2019 include Windows Admin Center for centralizing the management and monitoring of hybrid local/cloud deployments, System Insights for taking advantage of modern predictive intelligence to manage on-premises networks, Windows Defender ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) Exploit Guard for host-intrusion prevention, container orchestration using Kubernetes, Cluster Sets technology for deploying and administering massive non-stop scale-out clusters, and Storage Migration Service for simplifying the migration from outdated editions of Windows Server. For more information, see Microsoft Server 2019 High Availability Failover Clustering Consulting.

Microsoft Server 2016 Disaster Recovery
Windows Server 2016 is a cloud-tested platform that takes technology proven in Microsoft's vast Azure public cloud, including Azure's software-defined data plane, and makes it available for on premises deployments. As hybrid networks have become the norm, the migration of cloud technology to private data centers has made enterprise-class disaster recovery solutions practical for organizations of virtually any size. To see how Progent can help you deploy Windows Server 2016 disaster recovery technology, see Windows Server 2016 Disaster Recovery Consulting.

Microsoft Server 2012 R2 Failover Clustering
Windows Server 2008 R2 introduced enterprise-class fault tolerance and recoverability to Microsoft's failover clustering solution. Windows Server 2012 R2 builds on this technology and offers important new and enhanced features that offer more expandability, non-stop storage availability for server applications, easier management, quicker automatic failover, and more options for designing failover clusters. For more information, see Windows Server 2012 Failover Clustering Expertise.

Microsoft Server 2008 Failover Clustering
The server cluster technology built into the high-end editions of MS Windows Server 2008 was radically redesigned to simplify the installation, configuration, and maintenance of clusters that provide greater levels of network availability, security, efficiency, and versatility. New or improved capabilities include cluster verification, revamped setup and deployment, unified cluster management, redesigned cluster architecture for maximum availability, better protection and quorum models, minimization of failure points, greater disk and memory capacity, and improvements for multi-site clusters. To read more, go to Windows Server 2008 Clustering Support.

Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line
Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line is designed to help you perform the crucial first steps in responding to a ransomware attack by preventing further spread of the viral payload. Progent's online ransomware expert can help you identify and isolate infected devices and protect clean resources from being compromised. If your network has been breached by any version of ransomware, do not panic. Get immediate help by calling Progent's Ransomware Hot Line at 800-462-8800. For more information, see Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line.

Ransomware Defense, Cleanup and Business Recovery Services
Progent can deliver the expertise of a veteran team of ransomware cleanup and business restoration consultants who have extensive backgrounds protecting networks from ransomware threats and restoring computing operations after ransomware penetrations. Progent's group of IT security professionals can provide a deep bench of experts with the wide variety of skills necessary to reconstruct all parts of a compromised network rapidly and with minimal data loss. For details about Progent's ransomware defense and restoration support, visit Progent's ransomware cleanup and business recovery expertise.

VMware Site Recovery Manager and NSX Planning and Configuration
Progent offers online and on-premises access to a VMware VCDX-certified expert with in-depth knowledge and broad experience planning and configuring VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) and VMware NSX network virtualization technology for disaster recovery (DR). Progent can show you how to achieve zero-data-loss RPO and minimal RTO for critical applications and services and can provide advanced support for VMware's enterprise-class tools for managing and protecting private and hybrid cloud environments including vCloud Director (vCD), vRealize Automation (vRA), vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) and vCloud Suite. For more information, see VMware Site Recovery Manager Solutions and VMware NSX Virtual Network Planning and Configuration.

NetApp MetroCluster Zero-Data-Loss Disaster Recovery Solutions
NetApp MetroCluster is a disaster recovery software suite that combines array-based storage clustering with replication to deliver fast, zero RPO disaster recovery (DR) between datacenters located up to 300km apart. Progent can provide the skills of a certified NetApp MetroCluster expert who can help you to design, configure, administer, update, test and repair a disaster recovery system built around NetApp MetroCluster. Progent can assist you to choose an architecture for your MetroCluster deployment that meets your functional requirements and IT budget. Progent can make sure you adhere to best practices for installing your MetroCluster solution by providing help with tasks such as assigning disk pools, arranging plexes layout, provisioning NetApp FlexVol volumes, setting up NetApp Snapshot, provisioning switches, implementing a tiebreaker, setting up a configuration replication network, and testing your DR system to verify adherence with information assurance standards and regulatory mandates.

Network Load Balancing
Progent provides high availability load balancing consulting covering system load balancing, load balanced applications, network infrastructure routing, and content dispatching products such as F5 Networks 3DNS. Non-stop load balancing products for which Progent can provide consulting expertise include Windows Server 2003 and 2008 Network Load Balancing Manager, Citrix Access Suite and Presentation Server, Cisco CSS, Cisco Content Engine and ACNS, and F5 Networks BIG-IP. To learn more, see Load Balancing for High Availability.

High-Availability Colocation Sites
Colocation sites offer an affordable option for small businesses who want to house their data center in a world-class facility. Colocation sites offer up to 99.999% Internet availability, lower management costs, fast Internet connections, tight physical security, and dependable electrical power backup. Colocation sites are also the only realistic option for geographically separate hot backup systems. Progent can help design a fault-tolerant IT environment that utilizes colocation sites cost effectively, select a facility, migrate your key IT operations, and provide affordable online consulting and network support services. For more info, see High-Availability Colocation Sites.

24x7 Branch Office Networking
Progent's inter-site connection professionals can help organizations create non-stop inter-site connectivity solutions through fully redundant networks featuring automatic failover. Progent's Cisco-certified CCIE network engineers can plan and deploy ultra-reliable Inter-office networks based on fault tolerant EIGRP routers or non-stop OSPF configurations of Cisco routers. Progent can demonstrate how redundant connectivity and automatic fail-over can provide affordable 24x7 interoffice networking. To find out more, see High-Availability Interoffice Networking.

24x7 Internet Access
Progent's Cisco-certified network professionals can help you create an economical, fault tolerant Internet architecture that can achieve 24x7 Internet access through a variety of high-availability Internet connectivity technologies including fault tolerant BGP and redundant ISPs. Progent offers CCIE professionals to show you how to apply the most advanced techniques for fault tolerant Internet access to build an affordable, completely redundant Internet network with automatic failover and other features to create non-stop Internet connections. To read more, visit 24x7 Internet Access Architecture.

Backup and Restore Technology Consulting Services
Progent can provide affordable remote access to consultants with expertise in a broad array of utilities and services that provide solutions for backing up Windows, Mac, and Linux/UNIX physical and virtual servers and desktops plus notebooks and smart phones. Progent can provide help for leading backup platforms such as Acronis Backup and Recovery, Backup Exec, BackupAssist Software, CrashPlan, Double-Take, Mozy, Retrospect, Apple Time Machine, vSphere Data Protection, and FLARs. Progent's consultants can assist your company to install, upgrade, or maintain backup/restore systems for a variety of topologies including on-premises, edge to datacenter, cloud, or hybrid. To learn more, see Backup and Recovery Solutions Consulting Services.

System Center Data Protection Manager Backup and Recovery Consulting and Support Services
Progent's expert System Center Data Protection Manager engineers can help you to create an effective business continuity plan, design a cost-effective high-availability IT infrastructure, deploy a Microsoft DPM-based backup and restore system, thoroughly test your system, train your IT staff or regular service providers how to manage DPM, or handle complete IT outsourcing services including remote hosting of Microsoft DPM servers in Progent's secure data center facility. To read more, see Data Protection Manager (DPM) Consulting.

Barracuda Backup Local, Multi-site and Cloud-based Backup and Disaster Recovery
Barracuda Backup is an affordable, subscription-based backup and disaster recovery service for small and medium-size businesses. A Barracuda Backup deployment can incorporate a custom-designed hardware storage device built by Barracuda or a software-based appliance with comparable functionality but which uses your existing storage hardware. Barracuda Backup safeguards vital company data generated on-premises, at one or more remote sites, or in the cloud. For disaster preparedness, you can replicate data to the Barracuda Cloud, to Amazon AWS, or to any site with a Barracuda appliance. Progent is a Barracuda partner and Progent's Barracuda Backup consultants can provide a broad array of consulting services to help you to design, integrate, operate and repair a BDR solution built on Barracuda technology. For details, go to Barracuda Backup and disaster recovery consulting.

ProSight Data Protection Services Altaro VM Backup Consulting and Management Services
Altaro VM Backup offers small and mid-size organizations a modern and budget-friendly solution for backing up and restoring Hyper-V and VMware-based virtual machines (VMs). Altaro VM Backup can be deployed in on-premises, remote, multi-site, and cloud architectures and also supports cost-effective backup to Azure Block Blob storage. Progent is a certified Altaro partner and offers a broad array of remote or expertise services to assist you to plan, install, optimize and troubleshoot an advanced backup and disaster recovery system based on Altaro VM Backup software and services. With ProSight DPS Altaro VM Backup, Progent delivers a fully managed backup/recovery service which includes immutabile cloud storage, adding an extra level of recoverability in the event of a successful ransom attack. To read more, go to Altaro VM Backup Certified Consultants. To learn more, visit Altaro VM Backup consultants.

ProSight Data Protection Services Altaro Office 365 Total Backup
Microsoft Office 365 provides rudimentary archiving but does not include integrated support for vital data protection capabilities like Exchange Online backups or greater than 30-day point-in-time recovery for OneDrive and SharePoint. Altaro Office 365 Backup delivers a feature-rich platform for automatic backup and rapid recovery of all your organization's Office 365 mail, Teams Chats, SharePoint sites, and OneDrive data. Progent is a certified Altaro partner and offers ProSight Data Protection Services (DPS) Office 365 Total Backup to deliver end-to-end managed services for Altaro's O365 data protection suite. ProSight Data Protection Services Office 365 provides a budget-friendly backup-as-a-service (BaaS) alternative that guards O365 apps against data loss or corruption resulting from user or system error, malicious activity, and malware assaults like ransomware. For more information, see ProSight DPS Altaro Office 365 Backup services.

ProSight DPS ECHO Fully Managed Cloud Backup Services
Progent's ProSight Data Protection Services ECHO offer small and mid-sized businesses a low-cost, fully managed service for secure backup/disaster recovery (BDR). ProSight DPS ECHO automates and monitors your backup processes and enables fast restoration of critical files, folders, applications, system images, plus Hyper-V and VMware images. ProSight DPS ECHO helps you recover from hardware failures, disasters, malware like ransomware. human error, or software bugs. Bare Metal Restore (BMR) lets you restore like or dissimilar hardware, and you can use point-in-time restores. Data can be backed up to the cloud, a local device, or mirrored to both. To learn more. see ProSight Data Protection Services ECHO cloud backup.

ProSight Data Protection Services 360 Backup Solutions
Progent's data protection experts can assist you to create, deploy and debug a backup/restore solution built around MSP360 software. MSP360 offers file, folder or image backup/recovery for VMs and physical machines, supports all popular public clouds, and permits businesses to create a data protection solution with a minimum Recovery Time Objective and a defined Recovery Point Objective. With ProSight DPS 360 Backup, Progent can provide comprehensive monitoring and remote management of your backup environment to prevent data loss caused by human miscues, computer glitches, ill-intentioned users, and malware attacks like ransomware. To read more, go to ProSight Data Protection Services 360 Backup solutions.

Integrating and Managing Services from Multiple Public Cloud Providers
Progent can help your business design, configure and manage networks that incorporate public cloud services from more than one provider. Progent can provide a range of services to support any combination of leading public clouds including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Web Marketing Service (WMS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For more information, see Progent's integration and management services for networks using multiple public clouds.

Consulting for DoubleTake/Carbonite Backup
DoubleTake Availability, which was acquired and rebranded by Carbonite, is a popular low-cost platform for backing up and recovering business-critical workloads such as Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL, RIM Blackberry, and Microsoft Office SharePoint. Progent's disaster recovery planning consultants have extensive experience integrating Double-Take technology into small company IT networks to create a high state of fault tolerance and disaster recovery readiness at an affordable cost. For details, visit Consulting Services DoubleTake/Carbonite Availability software.

Why Pick Progent for Workplace Recovery Planning and Fault-tolerant Networking Solutions?
Because Progent is a Microsoft Partner and offers professional application consulting for a wide range of small business software programs, Progent can help customers to find comprehensive IT solutions that maximize the productivity of your IT network. With a large team of Cisco-certified CCIE Network Consultants, Progent can provide the expertise of certified consultants and specialists with expertise in designing, configuring and supporting networking environments built on Cisco products. The breadth of Progent's technical experience and Progent's appreciation for the needs of small businesses make Progent the ideal resource for building and maintaining an affordable, dependable network.

How to Contact Progent's Consultants for Fault Tolerant Network Support
In order to contact Progent about technical assistance for non-stop infrastructure, call 1-800-993-9400 or visit Contact Progent.

An index of content::

  • 24-Hour Joinville Teleworkers Conferencing Systems Consulting Experts Santa Catarina Remote Workers Consulting and Support Services in Joinville - Video Conferencing Systems Guidance Santa Catarina

  • LockBit ransomware hot line Specialists
    Engineer ransomware cryptoworm recovery

    Progent's Ransomware Hot Line provides 24x7 access to a seasoned ransomware recovery consultant who can help you to contain the spread of an active ransomware breach. Call 800-462-8800

  • 24-Hour Remote Workforce Consulting and Support Services near Saddle Brook - Help Desk Augmentation Consulting Services Saddle Brook-Teterboros, New Jersey Work at Home Employees Consulting Experts - Saddle Brook - Help Desk Outsourcing Guidance Saddle Brook-Bergen County, New Jersey, America
  • 24/7 CISSP Certified Security Auditor Specialist Consultants CISSP-ISSAP Cybersecurity

  • ProSight Email Guard Spam Filtering Specialists
    Email Outbound Content Filtering Professional

    Progent's ProSight Email Guard uses the technology of leading information security companies to deliver web-based management and comprehensive security for all your email traffic. The powerful architecture of Email Guard managed service combines cloud-based filtering with a local security gateway appliance to offer complete protection against spam, viruses, Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Directory Harvest Attacks (DHAs), and other email-borne malware. ProSight Email Guard's cloud filter acts as a preliminary barricade and keeps most threats from making it to your security perimeter. This decreases your vulnerability to external attacks and conserves system bandwidth and storage space. ProSight Email Guard's on-premises security gateway appliance adds a further level of inspection for incoming email. For outgoing email, the on-premises security gateway offers AV and anti-spam filtering, protection against data leaks, and email encryption. The local security gateway can also assist Exchange Server to monitor and protect internal email traffic that originates and ends inside your corporate firewall.

  • 24x7 Lexington-Fayette County Small Business Network Consulting Companies Microsoft Expert Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky Technical Support Outsource
  • ADSL2+ Specialists Metro Ethernet Services
  • Microsoft Certified Partner Online Technical Support Clustered Windows
  • Addison-Farmers Branch, Texas Cisco Networking Specialist Cisco Network Support Consultant Addison-Richardson, TX
  • At Home Workers Consulting Services near Mesa - Integration Consultants Mesa Arizona At Home Workforce Mesa Consulting Experts - Setup Assistance Mesa Phoenix

  • Microsoft Operations Manager Troubleshooting
    System Center Operations Manager Online Consulting

    Remote continuous network monitoring, automated alerts, and actionable analytical reporting are crucial to maintaining the proper operation of your network and avoiding preventable and costly downtime. Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) solutions have advanced so far that businesses of all sizes can afford a level of protection that was once reserved for enterprises. Progent offers several Remote Monitoring and Management options delivered as economical service packages created to assist your company to identify and fix a an array of IT network issues before they can disrupt your business.

  • At Home Workers Expertise - St. Paul - Endpoint Management Tools Expertise St Paul Minnesota St. Paul Teleworkers Endpoint Management Systems Guidance St. Paul-Bloomington, Minnesota, United States
  • At Home Workers Rockville Assistance - Backup Technology Consulting Experts Rockville-Silver Spring Rockville Remote Workforce Backup/Recovery Systems Consultants

  • Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Deduplication Online Consulting
    Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Integration Technical Support

    Altaro VM Backup software from Hornetsecurity provides small organizations a reliable and budget-friendly platform for backing up and recovering Hyper-V and VMware-based VMs. Altaro VM Backup can be deployed in local, remote, distributed, and cloud architectures and also enables low-cost backup to Azure storage. Altaro VM Backup defends against ransomware via Immutable Cloud Storage. This creates tamper-proof backup data that cannot be modified by any user including administrators. Progent is a certified Hornetsecurity/Altaro partner and offers a broad range of online or onsite services to help you to design, deploy, optimize and debug a modern backup/restore system powered by Altaro VM Backup. With ProSight DPS Altaro VM Backup, Progent delivers a managed backup/recovery service powered by on Altaro VM Backup software.

  • At Home Workforce Guidance in Riverside - Cloud Integration Technology Consulting Services Riverside - Fontana Riverside Work from Home Employees Cloud Integration Solutions Consulting Experts Southern California Riverside
  • Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, GA 24-Hour Setup Service SQL Atlanta, GA, Augusta, GA, Columbus, GA, Savannah, GA SQL On-site Technical Support
  • Barracuda Networks F-Series Firewalls Security Auditor Cybersecurity Contractor Barracuda Networks Email protection
  • Belo Horizonte Remote Troubleshooting Belo Horizonte, DF Computer Consultants
  • Boise Snatch Ransomware System-Rebuild Boise Idaho Boise Conti Ransomware Mitigation Boise, ID
  • CCIE Expert Certified Redwood City Computer Tech CISSP Certified Expert Mountain View Migration Consultant

  • Exchange 2003 Upgrade Support Outsourcing
    Exchange 2003 Upgrade Technical Consultant

    Progent's certified professionals offer computer help and IT consulting expertise for Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server, Windows Server 2003, and for the complete family of Microsoft server platforms. Progent's upgrade, integration, management, and troubleshooting services for Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server include system design, deployment, documentation, onsite and remote technical support, Help Desk outsourcing, expert security evaluation, and comprehensive network management outsourcing.

  • On-site Technical Support Fully Redundant Internet Network
  • Cambridge Top Quality Cambridge Crypto-Ransomware Lockbit Susceptibility Evaluation 24-7 Cambridge Crypto-Ransomware Avaddon Vulnerability Assessment
  • CentOS Linux, Solaris, UNIX Onsite Technical Support Dayton, OH, USA Slackware Linux, Sun Solaris, UNIX Specialists Dayton
  • Centennial Temporary IT Staffing Services Centennial-Arapahoe County, Colorado IT Staffing Temps for IT Service Organizations Centennial-Highlands Ranch, United States
  • Cisco Experts Roseville Professional 24 Hour Citrus Heights Help
  • Non-stop Network Troubleshooting
  • Ciudad de México, Xochimilco Mexico City At Home Workers Backup Solutions Consultants Mexico City, Cuauhtémoc Mexico City Remote Workforce Data Protection Systems Consulting
  • Consultant BlackBerry Synchronization Bradford BlackBerry Professional Software Network Services Sheffield

  • 24 Hour Windows and macOS coexistence Network Consulting
    Top Apple Mac and Windows coexistence Specialist

    Progent's support specialists in Apple OS X and Microsoft Windows technology can show you how to integrate Mac and Windows computers into seamless environments with full sharing and collaboration functionality. Allowing productive cooperation among a variety of servers and workstations powered by Mac OS and Windows requires broad knowledge of and experience with Mac and Microsoft products. Progent's background in Microsoft and Macintosh service makes it possible to offer expert assistance to companies that rely on these technologies to keep their competitive advantage. Progent's consultants can also assist your business to interface Apple's iPhones and iPads to operate with smoothly with your Windows network.

  • Costa Mesa, CA 24-Hour Computer Consultancy Small Business Network Information Technology Manager Emergency Phone Support Costa Mesa Santa Ana Cypress
  • Fremont Conti Crypto-Ransomware Recovery Newark, CA Fremont Conti Crypto-Ransomware Repair Fremont, CA
  • Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Setup and Support Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Integration Remote Troubleshooting
  • IT Staff Temps for IT Service Organizations Winston-Salem North Carolina Forsyth County North Carolina, US Winston-Salem IT Staffing Help
  • Information Technology Outsourcing Cisco Migration Help Cisco New Orleans
  • Ipanema, Botafogo Open Now Exchange Server 2019 Computer Network Service Company Professional Exchange 2016 Ipanema
  • Irving Dallas Plano Short Term IT Staffing for IT Support Groups Irving Staffing Services Irving Dallas Plano
  • Long Island City, New York, America SQL Server 2019 Computer Consulting Company Long Island City, NY SQL Server 2012 Software Consultants

  • Top Quality Azure and Dynamics GP Design Firm
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Development Group

    Progent's consultants can assist you with every phase of Microsoft Azure integration including needs definition, prerequisites evaluation, system design, pilot testing, implementation, automated administration, performance tuning, license controls, disaster recovery preparedness, security policy enforcement, and regulatory compliance assessment. Progent can assist you to set up and debug firewalls and VPN connections so that your users can securely connect to Azure-based services, and Progent's Microsoft-certified consulting experts can help you integrate key Microsoft technologies to work in the cloud including Windows Server, Exchange Server, SQL and Skype for Business. Progent can also help your organization to create a hybrid cloud environment that transparently combines physical datacenters with Azure-based services.

  • Manchester Immediate CryptoLocker Repair Help Manchester, Hillsborough County Emergency Manchester Crypto-Ransomware Removal Manchester, Hillsborough County, United States
  • Miami Netwalker Crypto-Ransomware Forensics Downtown Miami Miami Ransomware Incident Reporting Miami Florida
  • Microsoft SharePoint Support and Integration Gilroy CA Microsoft SharePoint Server Professional Morgan Hill
  • Minneapolis Telecommuters Call Desk Augmentation Assistance Minneapolis Minneapolis Work from Home Employees Help Desk Call Center Augmentation Consulting and Support Services Minneapolis Saint Paul
  • Monterey County IT Staff Augmentation for Network Support Teams Supplemental IT Staffing Support Services Consulting Specialist Carmel, USA
  • New Haven Expertise for IT Support Firms New Haven Consulting Experts for Network Service Firms near New Haven - Seamless Short-Term Support Team Help New Haven, U.S.A.
  • Niterói Ransomware Ryuk Readiness Report Icaraí, State of Rio de Janeiro Niterói Crypto-Ransomware Assessment Icaraí, State of Rio de Janeiro
  • Plano - Allen Offsite Workforce Consulting and Support Services near Plano - Endpoint Security Systems Guidance Teleworkers Plano Consultants - Cybersecurity Solutions Consulting Plano Dallas

  • Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Replication Information Technology Consulting
    24/7 Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Support Outsourcing

    Altaro VM Backup from Hornetsecurity offers small businesses a reliable and budget-friendly solution for backing up and recovering Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware-based virtual machines. Altaro VM Backup can be used for local, offsite, multi-site, and cloud-hosted architectures and also enables low-cost backup to Azure storage. Altaro VM Backup defends against ransomware attacks via Immutable Cloud Storage. This creates tamper-proof backup data that cannot be modified by anyone including administrators. Progent is a certified Hornetsecurity/Altaro partner and offers a broad array of remote or on-premises consulting services to assist you to plan, deploy, manage and debug a modern backup/restore solution powered by Altaro VM Backup software. With ProSight DPS Altaro VM Backup, Progent offers a managed backup/recovery service based on Altaro VM Backup.

  • Ransomware Removal and Data Recovery Schaumburg Schaumburg-Carol Stream Ransomware Data Recovery
  • Red Hat Linux, Sun Solaris, UNIX Remote Technical Support Skokie IL Support Services CentOS Linux, Solaris, UNIX Skokie, Illinois
  • Remote Support Co-managed Helpdesk Costs On-site Technical Support Supplemental Service Desk Cost Savings

  • ProSight Duo MFA Network Engineer
    Duo Identity Verification Professionals

    Progent's Duo services incorporate Cisco's Duo cloud technology to protect against compromised passwords by using two-factor authentication (2FA). Duo enables one-tap identity confirmation with Apple iOS, Android, and other out-of-band devices.

  • Cisco Online Troubleshooting Clustered Server
  • Remote Workers Consulting near me in Chandler - Data Protection Technology Assistance Chandler Arizona, United States Telecommuters Chandler Guidance - Backup/Recovery Systems Consulting Experts Chandler
  • Remote Workers Wichita Consulting - Data Protection Solutions Consulting Sedgwick County Kansas At Home Workers Wichita Consulting Services - Data Protection Systems Consulting Experts Wichita, United States

  • Private Cloud Virtual Datacenter Hosting Specialist
    Engineers Virtual Server Private Cloud Hosting

    Progent's private cloud hosting enables small and midsize businesses to run key applications such as Microsoft SQL and Exchange from a secure Tier III data center facility on fully redundant equipment with offsite backup. Progent utilizes Microsoft's Hyper-V technology for server virtualization and Data Protection Manager for automatic backup replication and restoration. Smaller organizations can use Progent's private cloud hosting service to eliminate major capital costs for the purchase, upkeep, and management of computer hardware and facilities while benefiting the highest levels of system reliability and security.

  • Remote Workforce Consulting near Akron - Collaboration Solutions Consulting Services Akron, United States Akron Work at Home Employees Akron Consulting Services - Collaboration Technology Guidance
  • SQL 2014 Small Office Server Support Recife, PE SQL Server 2012 On-site Technical Support
  • Salem, Marion County Firewall Network Consultant CISSP Network Security Evaluation Salem Oregon

  • Consulting Services VoIP phones patch management
    Communications device patch management Consultancy

    Progent's support services for software and firmware patch management offer organizations of any size a versatile and affordable solution for evaluating, validating, scheduling, implementing, and documenting updates to your virtual and physical; servers, endpoint devices printers, network infrastructure appliances like switches and wireless access points, and Internet-of-Things devices like alarms and robotics.

  • Service Reports Professionals Remote Support Services Documentation
  • Shreveport Ransomware Remediation Shreveport Sodinokibi Crypto-Ransomware Repair Shreveport Bossier City
  • Small Business IT Support Firm Microsoft Solutions Framework Project Methodology Tech Outsourcing Problem Escalation Through Teamwork

  • Hornetsecurity Altaro VM Backup Deduplication Online Support Services
    Online Technical Support Altaro VM Backup with Exchange

    Altaro VM Backup software from Hornetsecurity provides small and mid-size businesses a dependable and affordable solution for backing up and restoring Hyper-V and VMware-based virtual machines (VMs). Altaro VM Backup can be deployed in local, remote, distributed, and cloud architectures and also supports low-cost backup to Microsoft Azure Block Blob storage. Altaro VM Backup protects against ransomware by leveraging Immutable Cloud Storage. This creates tamper-proof data that cannot be modified by any user including root users. Progent is a certified Hornetsecurity/Altaro partner and can provide a wide range of remote or on-premises consulting services to assist you to design, install, manage and troubleshoot a modern backup/restore solution powered by Altaro VM Backup. With ProSight Data Protection Services Altaro VM Backup, Progent delivers a managed backup/restore service based on Altaro VM Backup software.

  • South Dakota Computer Network Support Group Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota Networking Consultant
  • Southfield, MI Tech Expert Southfield Migration Consultants

  • Microsoft Project Server Scheduling Consultancy
    Project Server Time Reporting Support and Setup

    Progent's Microsoft consultants offer advanced expertise in deploying, managing and troubleshooting any edition of Project Server and can provide a wide variety of affordable remote support services based on proven best practices to assist businesses of all sizes to receive all the benefits of this leading platform. Services offered by Progent include system design, software configuration and upgrades, setting up secure collaboration among local and remote or mobile users, network infrastructure optimization, and customized online training.

  • Southfield, Michigan Small Business Outsourcing IT Consulting Team Southfield, Michigan
  • State of Rio de Janeiro Offsite Workforce Barra da Tijuca Guidance - Integration Guidance Immediate Remote Workers Expertise in Barra da Tijuca - Infrastructure Consulting and Support Services

  • 802.11ax Management Setup and Support
    Mobile Connectivity Consulting

    Progent's Wireless Consulting Services provide a fast, economical option for businesses of all sizes to integrate, manage, monitor and troubleshoot the latest wireless connectivity technology. For 802.11n and the latest 802.11ac Wi-Fi environments, Progent can show you how to plan and deploy appliances such as Cisco's Aironet and Meraki access points and wireless controllers. For mobile email and online business applications, Progent supports Apple iPhones, Apple iPads, Google Android smartphones, and Windows phones and tablets.

  • Subcontractor Freelance Cisco CCIE Contractor Moonlight Microsoft Consultant Job
  • Subcontractor Job Microsoft Consultant Davis California Jobs Available Microsoft MCTS Consultant
  • Technology Professional Microsoft SBS 2008 Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Professional
  • Telecommuters Consulting Experts near Lakeland - Cloud Systems Guidance Lakeland Florida Lakeland Remote Workers Cloud Technology Consulting and Support Services Lakeland

  • Dynamics 365 NAV Application Support
    Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Application Consultants

    Dynamics Business Central (previously, formerly} branded Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Navision) provides SMBs a unified platform for financial management, inventory, operations control, project management, purchasing, sales and marketing, supply chain, and business reporting. Progent's Dynamics Business Central/NAV experts can assist you to maintain your legacy Dynamics NAV environment or migrate smoothly to a cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid deployment.

  • Telecommuters Consulting near me in Petaluma - IP Voice Solutions Assistance Sonoma CA, USA Teleworkers Petaluma Expertise - VoIP Systems Expertise Petaluma
  • Telecommuters Dayton Consulting Experts - IP Voice Systems Consulting Dayton Ohio Telecommuters Dayton Consulting and Support Services - VoIP Technology Consultants Dayton Centerville Trotwood
  • Cisco Network Load Balance IT Services
  • Telecommuters Expertise near Minnetonka - Collaboration Technology Consulting and Support Services Minnetonka-Eden Prairie, MN Remote Workforce Consulting Experts - Minnetonka - Collaboration Technology Assistance Minnetonka-Plymouth, Minnesota
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  • Dynamics GP Upgrade Engineer Summit County Ohio
    24x7 Services Microsoft Dynamics GP Upgrade Planning Akron Canton, United States

    Progent has delivered support for Dynamics GP and Great Plains software for more than two decades and Progent has delivered system integration, software development, training, and troubleshooting services since the product's debut. Progent can provide in-depth support for updating legacy Dynamics GP/Great Plains ERP systems. Progent can assist you to design, test, and carry out a cost-effective upgrade from a an outdated release of GP to the latest edition of Dynamics GP.

  • Top Microsoft MCSA Remote Consulting Remote Support Job Durham Research Triangle Security Engineer Jobs Available Raleigh Durham Cary
  • Ubuntu Linux, Sun Solaris, UNIX Computer Consultant Chattanooga, Hamilton County Suse Linux, Solaris, UNIX Configuration Chattanooga Tennessee
  • Urgent Professional System Design Colocation Computer Consultant
  • Windows SBS 2008 Consulting Services Microsoft Windows SBS 2008 Consult
  • Work at Home Employees Minneapolis Consulting - IP Voice Systems Consultants 24/7 Offsite Workforce Guidance - Minneapolis - IP Voice Technology Assistance
  • Work at Home Employees Reno Consulting Services - Video Conferencing Technology Expertise Reno Sparks, US Reno Offsite Workforce Video Conferencing Solutions Consulting Services Reno, Washoe County, U.S.A.

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